I am person interested in grwoth of this world into wholeseme place where all can live joyfully and experience the wonder of this beuatiful earth.
Wholesomewinner's Articles In Current Events
October 21, 2006 by Wholesomewinner
As Indians all over the world celebrate the festival of Deepavali, it is good occasion for all the bloggers to express their joy though wishing each other. Deepavali, as the word meaning express, it is a festival of lights. Let this light: Enlighten all to wholesome love to wholesome freedom to wholesome wellbeing to wholesome wealth to wholesome servive to wholesom...
August 25, 2006 by Wholesomewinner
India and Indians in big and small cities are moving towards Economic and Social development. We can see it if we go just go around in the cities we live and work. There is a tremendous competion to become richer, healthier and to live long. More and more people from the villages and flowing towards big and small towns in search of this economic and Social development. There is lots exploitation taking place in the name of luxuary and comfort. Pleople are bracing all these problems in ord...