I am person interested in grwoth of this world into wholeseme place where all can live joyfully and experience the wonder of this beuatiful earth.
" Influence People through sharing of radical life"
Published on August 25, 2006 By Wholesomewinner In Current Events
India and Indians in big and small cities are moving towards Economic and Social development. We can see it if we go just go around in the cities we live and work. There is a tremendous competion to become richer, healthier and to live long.

More and more people from the villages and flowing towards big and small towns in search of this economic and Social development. There is lots exploitation taking place in the name of luxuary and comfort. Pleople are bracing all these problems in order to achieve development some how. Yesterdays illiterate exploited dalit or women has become an exploter hemslef or herself. Yesterdays moralist has thrown away all morality or inhibitions and religions traditionalism and rituals to achieve this economic and Social development.

Few Years back it was easy for some political parties to gather people in the name of religious rituals or errecting churches, temples and mosques. Today these issues have become more and more unimportant. Though there are still polititians try to exploit people in the name of Relgion. But now people by and large have come to know the real colour of these politicians and try to avoid these religious hypocrits.

What I am trying to say is that there is a radical change taking place in the whole Indian society, though it has not yet reached to many interior villages of our country. But the changes that has taken place is due to various types of communication methods.

One of these days, the Blogers from various parts of country are coming together in Chennai to share experience in Bloging. I read recenly that blogs began in 2001 and now there many sites offering bloging facility. Members who are involved in this activity are mostly educated persons, who have the facility and time to spend some for writing good aritcles, peomsetc. This is a wonderful opertunity for our educated people to use this facility to bring awareness to each other various options that they have to achieve the goal of wholesome development and wholesome transformation of the the soeity around them. It is not a question of moral advises, but rather challengin each one from one own experience to bring radical changes in one's own life and life of the society for a wholesome development.

As more and people take to bloging and share their experiences put into short aricles, it will have great influence on the whole growth of the society.
So I wish all the blogers gathered in Chennai good luck and courage.

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