Good people, people of good will, run various types of institutions often take pride in the fact that their institutions produce excellent results, whether in the field of education, health or even developmental activities? Is this excellence socially relevant in the context in which we live and work today? Is this excellence relevant in the context of our desire to the liberate all humans from the slavery of poverty, social injustice, social and economic exploitation, exploitation of women and children. People of good will of all religions are invited to participate in the mission of bringing Ramraj, Dharmaraj and God’ Reign to all people, people of all caste and creed, to poor and the marginalised in a special way. (Gospel of Luke, chapter.4: 18-20; Sri Bhagavad-Gita: Chapter 4. Ramayana: Last Chapter where Ram establishes his Kingdom where there is no poor, no sick etc.)
In this globalized economy, where everyone is on a rat race to survive, people of Good will are also caught up in the institutionalization spree, try to make our excellence relevant! In order to achieve their Mission to the poor, they started different types of services. Even when these services do not achieve the mission for which they started it, they make these services their mission! At present they may be excellent in that particular service, but unfortunately the service itself has become irrelevant socially as well as a means for their Mission for which they came to existence. They shall not, therefore, seek to make their excellence relevant rather; they must strive to make their relevance excellent. They know that, though at time they pretend not to know, excellence without relevance is the most irrelevant.
Social, Political and Religious leadership today is facing a great dilemma in facing irrelevance of our excellence. On the one hand, they have a good majority of members who ardently believe that excellence is a goal in itself and they are willing to kill themselves for it. On the other hand there is a strong and vibrant minority who thinks that our excellence is no more socially and morally relevant. Any effort by an understanding leadership to make the humanitarian service more relevant to the demand of the social situation in our country is bitterly fought by the group that opposes any change in the existing may be irrelevant, situation.
A serious and effective ongoing struggle by enlightened minority and people of good will from all religions and social sections to promote a holistic understanding of service to the humanity is need of the hour. Any number of rationalistic defences will not make our human existence relevant and satisfying. The challenge is whether we want irrelevant human existence producing excellent results or human life excellently relevant.
People of India urgently need vibrant social, political and religious leadership and communities and individuals who are excellently relevant, like the founders of Word religions, Societies respond to the social, economical and religious situations in India today. The people, especially the poor and the exploited, may tolerate us today, but they are not in need of a large number of burnt out leaders and social activists, people who are struggling to be excellent in their irrelevant activities in the name of the poor and explited!
By Wholesomewinner