Face the TRUTH than escaping into Positivism or Negativism
The Humans today are living in very difficult times. The life situations are so complex that they find it very difficult to make a choice between the good, the bad and the evil.
In the past there were good Religious Leaders (though the Organized Religions normally remained legalistic and ritualistic) who could guide the people to good actions.
Today the religious leaders are trusted no more due various events in history of religions. Their trustworthiness, wisdom and scientific knowledge has been very much questioned, and it worth doing it. Though there are many well-educated religious leaders, they become defensive when it is matter of religion, as it happened in the case of Pope’s utterances, demolition of Babri-Masjid etc.
There is another kind of Religious Leaders today, who are totally positivist, they mix a bit of psychology with Religion, and compromise with every values of good Religion for the sake of peace! Together with them we have group psychologists, philosophers who care for no Religion, but have taken the place of Religious leaders of the past era. These set of professionals go according to needs and wants of various humans in the society.
These so called Modern Gurus for modern times do not seem to believe in a value system that is applicable all human beings. They compromise with social values and tell them be “positive, whatever may happen”. See the positive side of everything even if you are raped by anti-social element. If you do so you will have peace of mind!
The example of “rape” may be too far fetched. But more and more people are asked look life in a very positive way. It is good thing to happen. If all people in the world are able to not only look at life positively, but also live a positively wholesome life then there will be Ramraj, or Kingdom of God all over.
Fortunately or unfortunately, all are not able to look positively because of the hardships, exploitation and others ills they face in their daily life. More than half of the Indian populations suffer from dire poverty, in-spite of the highly promoted economic boom. They worry about what eat tomorrow, the future of their children, the health of their family. If the Positive Gurus tell them do not worry, be positive about their life, I call it mere hypocrisy. These positive Gurus have not seen or experienced the suffering of the real people. They only live and make money among the Rich and exploiting class, who think or make to think that they have not worries. But scientific studies shows that in spite the efforts of these Extreme positive Gurus, there are more suicides, more crimes, more depressions and more break-downs among these so called well-to-do classes in India. Blood pressure and Diabetics are on the rise among the rich and well-to-do! When the farmers commit suicide, these positive gurus do not reach there to help them!
I feel that the so called extreme Positive Gurus are very hypocritical and they do not allow their clients to face the truth. The truth is that there is an inner hollowness due to the fall of moral, religious and social values which are essential for the wholesome growth of a person. For a wholesome life humans have to face truth and even face worries, negativism and all these together make life. If we only think everything from extreme positive angle without facing the truth of life, humans suffer within and the pain reaches to an extreme moment when we are unable any more to put on a show or mask. At that point the humans break. Then we know the extreme Positive Gurus have failed. We know from history that many such extreme positive Gurus themselves, who never face the truth of human life have committed suicide or become criminals!
Now there is another group of Gurus, who are mainly Religious Personnel who are extremely Negative Gurus. They find no good at all in this world. They are found everywhere in religious circles. They are prophets of doom. They are also hypocrites because they are afraid to face the truth. They find lots of negatives elements in the society, but do nothing in-order to bring positive help to people, except that they always discourage people.
Today as we celebrate the Birthday of Gandhi, it will be good to see how he faces life and did not become victim or either extreme positivism or Negativism. He took life as it came, facing it with worries when it was needed, with fear when it was needed, joy and celebration when it was needed. In his fight for just to Indians and the poor masses in India, he did have his worries about failures, possible violence, and death of innocent people. But he also had his moments of joys and positive experiences.
If there is a fall of moral, social, religious values, we have to face them courageously and fight them till we meet with success. Covering them up for peace and to think positively, asking people never to worry are all artificial. Face life with courage and Truth as Gandhi did it and be person who searches for truth. Truth shall make you free, says Jesus, whose admirer Gandhi was. Jesus was very critical of the Pharisees and he called them hypocrites, he was negative about practice of social, religious and moral values and justice in the society that day. He did not just go on saying very good and very good, wonderful etc. He did say do not worry un-necessarily, because worry will not bring anything. But he did say, work had, life in justice, and love all etc. That is not happening in the society today. The positive Gurus have to concentrate on the Truth and values in the society, worry, guilt feelings, fear etc. in the society will be reduced to the minimum which in turn will promote wholesome life and wholesome values in the society and welfare of all.