Concept of Kingdom of God in Bhagavad-Gita Hindu Scholars in India believe that Hinduism (Sanadhana Dharma) existed in India much before Christianity came to it origin. The Scriptures of this religion talk about the wholesome wellbeing of the universe and the humanity. Our group theologians, as I understand now, promote harmony and dialogue between other religions in the world. Today I am writing on one of the important concepts of Christianity, "The Kingdom of God" Jesus c...
THE THEOLOGY OF JUST WAR AND PRIVIATE PROPERTY I read the recent article on Just-war. It gave me a an instpiration to to connect the theology of Private Property to the Theology of Just War. I wonder which Jesus taught such theology? The New Testament should be the basis for all theological thinking. All other theological interpretations based on "pressures from Kings, Social groups, Powers and Human authorities is a bad theoly of bad taste to the good news of Jesus. When...
RELEVANCE VS EXCELLENCEE Good people, people of good will, run various types of institutions often take pride in the fact that their institutions produce excellent results, whether in the field of education, health or even developmental activities? Is this excellence socially relevant in the context in which we live and work today? Is this excellence relevant in the context of our desire to the liberate all humans from the slavery of poverty, social injustice, social and economic e...
EXTREME POSITIVISM OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EXTREME NEGATIVISM OF RELIGIONS The Humans today are living in very difficult times. The life situations are so complex that they find it very difficult to make a choice between the good, the bad and the evil. In the past there were good Religious Leaders (though the Organized Religions normally remained legalistic and ritualistic) who could guide the people to good actions. Today the religious leaders are trusted no more due various events ...
We are very well aware of the recent controversy that Pope Benedict made by his irresponsible statements! Even in this 21st centruary why are these people who claim to be Leaders and ecducated people make such foolish and controversial statements?Are they feeling lonely and jobless that that they have to make some controversy in order to get some attention. The previous Pope John Paul II used get lots of attention since he was world totering pope and many people seems to have liked his styl...
HAI RELIGION These are the days of Celebrations in various Religions in the Country. Let me share with you all what I feel about these celebrations and what could be a better celebrations that are done in the name of Religion. In my understanding of my experience and study I have on various religions, all the religions came to existence to improve the life of humans and lead them to a wholesome development. Hinduism speaks of "Avatars" (incarnations of God) who took human forms in...